Sheikh Mohammed assiste à la « Think Science competition »

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, vice-président et gouverneur de Dubaï, a assisté à une cérémonie pour la compétition, honorant 50 jeunes scientifiques émiratis qui ont remporté le concours.

The finals of the Think Science Competition, a national programme of the Emirates Foundation, featured the best of this year’s 640 entries – 515 from schools and 125 from universities, an increase of 35 per cent.

The entries included fog dispersal technology, a self-sanitising surface that uses ultraviolet light, and ‘smart’ asphalt, which can repair itself and absorb rainwater.

‘Our responsibility is to prepare generations for future and our ambitions are to have scientists who contribute to the progress of mankind,’ Sheikh Mohammed said.

The Think Science Competition is aimed at encouraging Emiratis between the ages of 15 and 35 to follow their passions for science.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, attended a ceremony for the competition, honouring 50 young Emirati scientists who won the contest.

The entries included fog dispersal technology, a self-sanitising surface that uses ultraviolet light, and ‘smart’ asphalt, which can repair itself and absorb rainwater.

‘Our responsibility is to prepare generations for future and our ambitions are to have scientists who contribute to the progress of mankind,’ Sheikh Mohammed said at the ceremony.