Par La Rando

Astuces pour l’épilation du visage

Bien que féminines, certaines femmes n’échappent pas à une pilosité importante. Du simple duvet aux poils fournis sur les lèvres, aujourd’hui les poils s’épilent en douceur et sans douleur. La pince à épiler, une méthode simple et rapide L’épilation du visage, du dessus des lèvres ou des sourcils commence par un nettoyage soigné de la partie à épiler. Le passage d’une lotion désinfectante évitera tous risques d’irritation inutiles. – Choisissez une pince bien recourbée aux extrémités pour attraper facilement le poil sans le couper ou le casser. – Commencez l’épilation des duvets des lèvres par les poils situés aux commissures des lèvres et épilez-les en remontant vers le nez en maintenant la pince vers le bas pour suivre le sens du poil jusqu’à son épilation. Pour réussir votre épilation des sourcils ne jamais épiler le dessus car vous risquez de faire une courbe descendante qui va alourdir les paupières. – Choisissez une pince de haute précision et enlevez les poils en maintenant la peau bien tendue pour respecter le sens de la pousse des poils. – Commencez l’épilation des sourcils par les poils situés aux coins des yeux et épilez-les en remontant vers le front en maintenant la pince vers le bas pour suivre le sens du poil jusqu’à son épilation L’épilation à la cire tiède, une technique efficace et rapide La cire tiède permet une épilation en toute sécurité de l’épiderme du visage. Elle est toutefois à proscrire sur les boutons et les petites blessures. Les poils pris à la racine ne repousseront que trois semaines plus tard. La décoloration, une solution douce et nette Autre méthode, autre produit, la décoloration des duvets du visage ne demande que dix minutes de patience pour rendre les poils totalement invisibles. La plupart des crèmes sont à mélanger avant d’être appliquées à l’aide d’une spatule. Elles se rincent à l’eau tiède et laissent la peau nette et douce.

Par La Rando

Que faire quand votre bébé étouffe.

Bébé a avalé un petit objet ou un aliment qui le gêne ou l’empêche complètement de respirer. Si votre bébé est gêné pour respirer, ne le manipulez pas ! Laissez-le assis et appelez immédiatement les secours. S’il s’agit d’un étouffement grave, il n’y a ni pleurs ni toux, mais votre bout’chou cherche son air et change de couleur. Dans ce cas, il faut agir vite ! Asseyez-vous, retournez Bébé sur le ventre et posez-le sur votre avantbras, plié à l’horizontale. D’une main, maintenez la tête avec les doigts, de part et d’autre de la bouche de votre enfant, et de l’autre appliquez jusqu’à 5 claques dans le dos entre les deux omoplates. Le geste doit faire tousser bébé, ce qui permettra au corps étranger de ressortir. S’il n’y a aucun effet et que Pitchoun ne respire toujours pas, retournez-le de façon à ce qu’il se retrouve allongé sur le dos, sur votre avant-bras, et que sa tête soit plus basse que le reste du corps. Repérez la ligne imaginaire sur son thorax, entre les deux mamelons. Placez la pulpe de 2 doigts d’une main au milieu de la poitrine, une largeur de doigt audessous de cette ligne imaginaire. Effectuez 5 compressions. Après ces deux manœuvres, la petite victime recommence généralement à respirer, à pleurer. C’est le moment de lui faire un câlin pour la rassurer. Une consultation aux urgences pour vérifier que bébé va bien est indispensable. Vous avez essayé ces deux techniques et toujours rien ne sort de la bouche de votre petit ? Appelez les secours et recommencez l’opération, autant de fois que nécessaire. A titre de prévention, exigez que votre enfant mange devant vous. N’oubliez pas que les cacahuètes ne sont pas les seuls ennemis des toutpetits. Les tomates cerises, les raisins et les pièces de monnaie peuvent aussi provoquer un étouffement.

Par La Rando

Les petites astuces pour être belle

Lorsque vous faites usage de citrons Utilisez-les pour obtenir une peau soyeuse. Après avoir préparé une recette de limonade, gardez les moitiés de citron et frottez vos genoux, coudes, talons et autres régions à peau sèche. La pulpe, riche en vitamine C, confère à la peau une sensation douce et soyeuse. Ayez une peau radieuse Appliquer une crème auto-bronzante luisante. Choisissez une nuance et vous aurez instantanément une peau d’apparence et de sensation radieuse. Rangez les talons hauts Votre posture s’améliorera, vous marcherez avec plus de confiance et cet air de douleur et de traits tirés disparaîtra de votre visage. Traitez vos yeux fatigués Faites tremper des sachets de thé (avec caféine), mettez-les au congélateur pendant quelques minutes, puis placez-les sur vos yeux pour réduire les bouffissures. Les tranches de concombre froid donnent également le même effet. Remplacez votre lame Si vous n’avez pas changé de lame de rasoir depuis quelques mois, vous risquez de ne pas vous rappeler à quel point votre peau peut être douce et soyeuse. Remplacez la lame chaque semaine ou aux deux semaines et dites adieu aux désagréables écorchures et coupures.

Par La Rando

Quelques conseils pour garder longtemps vos ongles de reine

– Pour conserver vos ongles très blancs et ramollir aussi les envies : massez régulièrement vos ongles avec des quartiers de citron. – Pour avoir un joli contour des ongles : massez vos ongles avec une crème surgrasse qui lisse les peaux et favorise l’irrigation. – Pour soigner des ongles cassants : trempez-les dix minutes dans de l’huile d’olive tiède deux fois par semaine. – Pour limer vos ongles sans les dédoubler : passer la lime toujours dans le même sens et offrez-vous une lime munie d’une zone polissante qui terminera en douceur le limage. – Pour se faire des ongles naturellement éclatants, frottez-les avec un polissoir. En plus de les rendre brillants, le polissage stimule l’irrigation sanguine et par conséquence la pousse des ongles. – Pour renforcer la santé de vos ongles, manger des laitages, du poisson et des fruits de mer. – Pour éviter la formation d’envies, ces petites peaux disgracieuses du pourtour des ongles, brossez ces derniers chaque jour avec un savon surgras à l’huile d’amande douce. – Pour sécher rapidement votre vernis à ongles, passez vos mains sous l’eau froide deux minutes après la pose. – Pour donner de la brillance à un vernis un peu terne, finissez la manucure par une couche de brillant naturel. – Pour empêcher vos mains de vieillir prématurément, hydratez-les matin et soir comme vous hydratez votre visage.

Par La Rando

Saudi trims rate by 100 basis points

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s central bank slashed its benchmark lending rate by 100 basis points yesterday, the second reduction in a month to keep credit markets moving and boost domestic liquidity after inflation receded. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (Sama) reduced the repo rate to three per cent from 4pc and cut the cash reserve requirement local banks have to make on demand deposits to 7pc from 10pc, a Sama spokesperson said. « These measures are taken against the backdrop of receding inflationary pressures and ensuring that adequate system liquidity is available to meet steady domestic demand, » he said. Banks to merge ABU DHABI: The UAE will merge state-run Emirates Industrial Bank with Real Estate Bank, a lender that will take over two Dubai mortgage firms. The official WAM news agency said the move was approved by a ministerial body yesterday. UAE Finance Ministry said earlier that two of Dubai’s biggest property lenders, Amlak and Tamweel, will be merged under a government-owned bank. Trading in both companies’ shares were suspended after the UAE’s finance ministry said it would supervise the merger under the federal government’s Real Estate Bank to ensure a fair valuation and protect shareholders. The combined market value of the firms is 2.5 billion UAE dirhams ($681 million) – roughly one-third of their worth since the two Dubai-based companies first announced merger plans in October 4. BNH celebrates MANAMA: Bahrain National Holding Company (BNH) celebrated the official launch of one of its associates, Gulf Insurance Institute (GII). The institute is geared towards graduating insurance specialists in Bahrain, said a statement. Through the GII, and other training institutes, awareness will be generated towards the need for insurance qualified individuals. The GII has also launched an Internet-based learning portal for its students and members. This exclusive portal offers educational resources such as reading materials, assignments and quizzes. The portal also allows online forums and lecturers through a messaging service. Gulf stocks plummet KUWAIT CITY: Most stock markets in the Gulf slumped on the week’s opener yesterday as intervention by governments failed to restore sentiment among investors worried by global financial turmoil. All seven regional markets dropped, with Dubai, Doha and Saudi shares leading the way. « I think there is much negative sentiment in the Gulf bourses because of the flurry of (bad) news from the international markets, » Global Investment House economic research head Faisal Hasan said. He believes it may be some time yet before markets in the Gulf region start to recover strongly. « I think we are near to the bottom, but stocks are likely to remain volatile for some more weeks, » the analyst said.

Par La Rando

Bahrain petrochem industry is praised

MANAMA: The Duke of Gloucester praised Bahrain’s petrochemical industry during a visit to the GCC-Europe exhibition in London. Prince Richard was speaking when he visited the stand of the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) at the exhibition. The Duke was accompanied by Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry chairman Dr Essam Fakhro. The guests were briefed by GPIC public relations manager Zuhair Tawfiqi on the company’s history, operations, production and export of ammonia. Prince Richard said he is impressed by the standards achieved by the petrochemical industry in Bahrain and praised the company’s achievements. Fifteen Bahraini companies and businesses showcased their products and technology used in the oil industry at the event.

Par La Rando

Wataniya Airways’ first flight to Dubai in Feb

Kuwaiti passengers travelling to Dubai can now avail of Wataniya Airways’ services. The carrier, which is Kuwait’s new full service luxury airline will provide two daily flights to Dubai, as its first destination from February 2009. This was announced during a press conference held at Kuwait’s Royal Terminal – the new luxury departure point for Wataniya Airways services yesterday. The airline also announced the start of its ticketing operations and bookings will be open from today, November 24. The contact center on 144 or 24379999 can be contacted, using the website ( or through a travel agent. The schedule for flights to Dubai (available from February 8, 2009) is:- KW 1000 Dep. KWI 08.15 Arr. DXB 10.55 Days of operation KW 1001 Dep. DXB 11.55 Arr. KWI 12.45 Days of operation KW 1008 Dep. KWI 18.25 Arr. DXB 21.05 Days of operation KW 1009 Dep. DXB 22.05 Arr. KWI 22.55 Days of operation It will be the first time that any commercial flight in Kuwait has taken off from a location other than Kuwait International Airport and the announcement comes after gaining approval from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation to use the prestigious luxury Royal Terminal as its base for operations. Wataniya Airways will carry out operations as per previous announcement. « Wataniya Airways is very proud to have reached this stage in our preparations and our team is delighted at the achievements to date and the fact that we can now announce that the countdown has officially started for providing Kuwaitis with a new travelling experience – one that will start in the superb surroundings of the Royal Terminal, » said Abdul Salam Al-Bahar, Wataniya Airways Chairman and Managing Director. Wataniya Airways also announced that the listing of its parent company Kuwait National Airways will take place on the Kuwait Stock Exchange on December 15, 2008. The airline also said that it has been awarded the easily recognizable ‘KW’ flight code by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and that will be used for all its flights upon the commencement of operations. From its new headquarters at the Royal Terminal, one of the largest private aviation terminals in the world, Wataniya Airways will be able to showcase its premium and luxury services for both its First Class and Premium Economy passengers. The terminal offers various hospitality services to travelers from limousine pickup from any location in Kuwait, to prompt and highly practical check-in procedures, as well as luxurious first class lounges. Passengers onboard Wataniya Airways are set to enjoy an exceptio nal travelling experience both on the ground and in the air. The airline provides luxury services at affordable prices. « We are looking forward to providing our guests with the chance to enjoy the combination of our luxury services onboard our short-haul direct flights on our fleet of new A320 Airbus aircraft and on the ground at the Royal Terminal. It will be a unique travelling experience for people in Kuwait, » noted George Cooper Wataniya Airways CEO. Dubai is the ideal first destination given the high volume of business and leisure travel to the city. « In the coming weeks, we shall be announcing further destinations to come on stream before the end of February. We believe the airline will do well and make good profits, » added Cooper. Securing the ‘KW’ flight code is an important step for Wataniya Airways. « We are delighted to have had the approval of our request for ‘KW’ which is a major statement of intent that clearly identifies Wataniya Airways to the traveling public as a truly ‘Kuwaiti’ airline. This is especially fitting, given that the airline has been created with the Kuwaiti customer first and foremost in mind, offering routes and schedules that will fit around the travelling requirements of Kuwaitis, » he further said. Wataniya Airways will be the first in the region to install revolutionary, cutting edge technology on board. « The new luxury aircraft will provide travelers with unparalleled choice for in-flight entertainment and special facilities that will appeal to both leisure and business guests. The personal entertainment selection will create an outstanding personal home theater experience and the new aircraft technology will provide First Class guests additional features by allowing them to plug their iPods (or si milar MP3 devices) directly into sockets located in their seat, » said Al-Bahar. And for the first time ever in the region, busy travelers can send and receive SMSs and emails on their mobile phones and Blackberries using OnAir innovative technology. The ability to use and recharge personal communications devices, including laptops, on Wataniya Airways planes will be an added value to business and leisure travelers. For more comfort and lots of legroom -Wataniya Airways has only 122 seats, divided to 26 First Class seats plus 96 Premium Economy Class Seats while most other international airlines carriers have 145 seats or more. « Wataniya Airways new fleet will also be fitted with individually crafted German Recaro leather seating that provides the ultimate in comfort, suiting the short-haul flight business model in their First and Premium Economy classes and which are generally reserved for high-end luxury sports cars lines like Porsche, Ferrari and Lamborghini, » concluded Al-Bahar.

Par La Rando

Bahrain plans to raise guarantee on deposits

Bahrain is looking at raising the guarantee on bank deposits to a maximum of BD20,000 (Dh194,880) from BD15,000, said its central bank governor. « The governor of Bahrain central bank unveiled plans to raise the guarantee on bank deposits of commercial banks in Bahrain to BD20,000 from BD15,000, » said Rasheed Al Maraj. « The transactions of banks in Bahrain are stable, with regards to the level of liquidity, » he said in a speech to a Bahraini business group. Since 1994, Bahrain has guaranteed up to 75 per cent of deposits, to a maximum of BD15,000. Maraj also said the central bank is working on changing the current scheme so customers can collect their deposits from a central fund into which banks have injected money beforehand. Under current rules, customers would be forced to seek their guaranteed deposits from other banks, in the event of a bank failure. « This takes time, and one of the lessons of the recent financial crisis is that it is important that depositors should be compensated promptly after their bank fails, » Maraj said. Standard Poor’s Ratings Services yesterday said it had affirmed its « A » long-term and « A-1 » short-term sovereign credit ratings for Bahrain. The country’s outlook is stable. « The ratings on Bahrain reflect the government’s net financial asset position and strong international alliances, » S&P’s credit analyst Remy Salters said. « These factors provide a counterbalance to high geopolitical risks [relative to the majority of other rated sovereigns], the Bahraini economy’s vulnerability to external shocks, and the secular decline of its hydrocarbon resources. » « Based on deposits, minority stakes in quoted companies, and other financial assets, we estimate the general government’s net asset position at 25 per cent of GDP in 2008. This is sharply down from estimates of about 65 per cent a year ago, owing to the inclusion of only the most liquid assets, as well as past opacity on the composition of asset holdings. « Oil revenues were budgeted on the basis of a $40 oil price in 2008, and S&P’s expects budget surplus (including extra-budgetary expenditures) of five per cent of GDP. According to our forecast, fiscal surpluses will decline to 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2009 and an average of 0.7 per cent in 2010-2011. » (With inputs from Reuters)